Nep­tuno Pumps designs and man­u­fac­tures en­ergy ef­fi­cient wa­ter-sav­ing pumps made from re­cycled ma­ter­i­als.

Loc­ated in the driest place on Earth – the Atacama Desert in Chile – Neptuno Pumps designs and man­u­fac­tures wa­ter pumps for the min­ing industry. The com­pany pro­duces 60% of its pumps with reused and recycled materials sourced from dis­carded pumps and in­dus­trial waste. Nep­tun­o’s pumps are used in wa­ter re­cyc­ling pro­cesses, through which min­ing com­pan­ies can re­cycle up to 70% of their wa­ter and re­duce en­ergy con­sump­tion by up to 30%, ac­cord­ing to the com­pany.

Pumps are the second most-used machine in the world; therefore, our industry can play a major role in the fight against climate change if it moves towards a circular economy.

Petar Ostojic – CEO, Neptuno Pumps.

In col­lab­or­a­tion with part­ner com­pan­ies, Nep­tuno Pumps has es­tab­lished a take-back sys­tem for used or broken pumps and has also in­tro­duced a remanufacturing cen­ter open to the en­tire Chilean min­ing in­dustry, where companies can bring their broken pumps of any brand for repair. Nep­tuno Pumps plans to man­u­fac­ture 90% of its products with re­cycled and re­used ma­ter­i­als within the next five years.

Why you should care

The min­ing in­dustry is the main pil­lar of the Chilean eco­nomy – cop­per alone ac­counts for 60% of the coun­try’s ex­ports – and uses sig­ni­fic­ant quant­it­ies of wa­ter. Nep­tuno Pumps provides an im­me­di­ate, ready-to-use solu­tion that helps a no­tori­ously un­sus­tain­able in­dustry to mit­ig­ate some of its harm­ful en­vir­on­mental im­pacts.

How the Global Goals are addressed

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Neptuno’s recycled water pumps are introducing concepts of circularity to the mining industry, helping energy-intensive industrial processes become more resource efficient.

Responsible Consumption and Production

Ac­cord­ing to a com­pany study, Neptuno Pumps’ cir­cu­lar ap­proach can help reduce pro­duc­tion waste by up to 75%, compared with traditional, less sustainable approaches.